Audit Services

Our industry knowledge paired with its audit expertise, can outline relevant insights throughout the audit of financial statements.

1. Statutory Audit

By attending and defining engagement objectives, we can acknowledge your business structure and develop an audit plan fit to your needs and allow us address complex issues.

  • Review of Financial Information & Reports
  • Compliance with the International Standards of Auditing
  • Internal audit – evaluation of internal controls

2. Financial Reporting

Our team combines broad sector experience and deep technical capability to make our clients feel supported. Typically clients have included small/medium-sized businesses.

  • Impact assessments and implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
  • Preparation of accounting policy manuals and policy reviews
  • Technical accounting papers

3. Assurance engagements

We ensure that companies are managing financial risk effectively and that company financial statements provide accurate financial information to the shareholders and other stakeholders.

  • Review of generally accepted accounting practices
  • Non-statutory assurance services such as controls assessment, forensic audit services, budget setting review
  • Assistance to clients for proper filing of the respective submissions required under the Law to the Cyprus Government Authorities